RegenACR® Plasmotherapy

RegenACR® Plasmotherapy

ACR method is innovative swiss anti-aging technology for face and body skin. The method is based on the application of one’s own plasma enriched by thrombocytes (so-called platelets).

These are an important stimulator for the renewal and growth of skin cells and support the activity of stem cells in the place of application. It renovates and fill the wrinkles and activates stem cells. Skin starts shining after the treatment. The result is perfect face color, filled wrinkles and effective skin resilience.  This method accelerates regeneration process (photothermolysis, RF-lifting, chemical peeling). The effect is immediate. With the course of time it grows.


Barvikha Hotel & Spa

+7 (495) 225 83 84,
«Барвиха Luxury Village»,
8-й км Рублево-Успенского шоссе